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Medium Grey Lady Cameo Ring
Little Grey Lady Cameo Ring
Pearl Ruthie B. Studs with Barnacles
Large Grey Lady Cameo Ring
Barnacle Ring
Sticks and Stones Herkimer Quartz Earrings
Little Facet Hoops
Medium Facet Hoops
Skate Egg Case Ruthie B. Necklace
Sticks and Stones Herkimer Quartz Necklace
Skate Egg Case Ruthie B. Earrings
Mother of Pearl Ruthie B. Earrings with Barnacles
Little Grey Lady Cameo Necklace
Grey Lady Cameo Studs
Fish Scale Ring
Large Facet Hoops
Mother of Pearl Ruthie B. Necklace with Barnacles
Barnacle Ruthie B. Studs
Sea Snail Hoops
Medusa Cameo Studs
Sold Out
Little Tulip Shell Ruthie B. Necklace
Ovoid Band
Mother of Pearl Figurehead Cameo Earrings
Sea Shell Duet Ruthie B. Earrings with Barnacles and Diamonds
Rose Garden Studs
Little Whelk Shell Ruthie B. Necklace
Hermit Crab Cameo Necklace
Little Moon Snail Shell Ruthie B. Necklace
Rose Garden Necklace
Diamond Branch Waiting Bands
Small Whelk Shell Diamond Ruthie B. Necklace with Barnacles
Large Slipper Shell Ruthie B. Necklace
Little Rose Gold Facet Hoops
Branch Coral Ruthie B. Necklace
Large Moon Snail Shell Ruthie B. Necklace
Sea Shell Duet Ruthie B. Earrings with Barnacles
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