Image by Cleo Wade.
Hannah Blount Jewelry stands with victims of the terror attack this past weekend in Charlottesville, VA and with victims of racist fascism all over the world.
Here are some ways you can help those affected...
- Donate to the Unity Cville fund to help support the victims of the terrorist attack.
- Contribute to the NAACP, one of America's oldest civil rights organizations.
- Donate to the DSA's medical fund for all injured victims.
- Donate to Black Lives Matter Charlottesville.
- SolidarityCVille offers additional ways to donate to and assist those in Charlottesville.
- Donate to Charlottesville's only Synagogue, CBI.
- Call your representatives. If your representatives have not yet condemned white supremacy, call and ask them to.
- Donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit organization monitoring the activities of American hate groups.
For our fellow Bostonians, there has been news on a potential white supremacist rally on the Boston Common next week.
Please call your city councilor and mayor and find out what the city plans to do about this, if they plan to disapprove, or revoke any permits issued for this rally, and how you can help stop hate in our city on an individual level.
Mayor, Marty Walsh: 617-635-4500
Office of the Police Commissioner: 617-343-4500
City Council President, Michelle Wu: 617-635-3115
We encourage you to share this post and hold your loved ones a little tighter!
Thank you to Holly Parker and Sara Benincasa for making this information accessible.