July Birthstone - Ruby

From the 4th of July to the vibrancy of nature's colors in the summer, it's no wonder that rubies are July's birthstone. At Hannah Blount Jewelry, rubies are beloved for their vivacious hues and their ability to combine femininity with power – like your favorite fairy-tale villain. 
July Birthstone | Ruby Jewelry | Hannah Blount Jewelry
Rubies are subjected to the most treatment of any gemstone. A 9 on MOHS hardness scale, rubies are durable and beautiful. Visually these gemstones are very striking, usually in varying shades of hot pink to red. Color defines this gemstone – if you find yourself with a pale or bright pink (vs. red-pink) ruby you're actually looking at a sapphire. Sapphires and rubies are essentially the same gemstone, only differed by their coloring. 
Rubies have a lot of historical significance, from multiple mentions in the Bible to the ancient lore of Myanmar's (formerly Burma) warriors who believed that rubies made them invincible in battle. European royals have long loved rubies; from Queen Elizabeth II's Burmese tiara to the many rubies of Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco.  Rubies were the most valuable and sought out of gemstone in 14th century medieval Europe, particularly for engagement rings. The recent return of the colored gemstone engagement ring has increased this stones popularity. The HBJ studio is partial to this precious stone, no matter it's setting. 

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