the joys of the studio. The other evening I had the randomest urge to
get no work done, and instead decided to take photos of the little items
that make my wheels turn. It was delightful to take the dirty chaos
that is on my jeweler's bench and glamorize them with good lighting and a
tight zoom. To be honest, most of them are just as exciting in real
life. The bright white of new chain, the colors of all my pliers bunched
and shoved together on their stand. The new bench pin that is slowly
scuffing up with file marks and holes from a drill bit (much like my
fingernails), something to be proud of.

My disorganized cluster of
half-finished work that never seems to get finished; or put away,
because that would mean defeat. I would like to share these with you,
for they are as important to me as my work is. Enjoy!